Hide filtersShow filters × Close Bryan, Garnier & Co acts as Sole Financial Advisor to Emeria on the contemplated sale of Seiitra, leading software provider dedicated to real estate professionals, to Orisha Bryan, Garnier & Co acts as Sole Financial Advisor to Cathay Capital & Wedia’s management team in the public tender offer for Wedia Bryan, Garnier & Co acts as Sole Financial Advisor to Initiative & Finance and the Management of Ymag on its sale to Septeo, a portfolio company of Hg Capital Bryan, Garnier & Co acts as Financial Advisor to Astorg on its investment in Redslim, a leading provider of Data Management Services Bryan, Garnier & Co acts as Financial Advisor to EasyVista on its contemplated acquisition of a controlling stake in OTRS Bryan, Garnier & Co acts as Sole Financial Advisor to Cathay Capital and the Management of FuturMaster on an LBO led by Sagard NewGen Bryan, Garnier & Co acts as Sole Financial Advisor to the shareholders of Timma, a leading Nordic software provider to hair and beauty professionals, on its sale to EG Bryan, Garnier & Co acts as Sole Financial Advisor to Abenex and the Management of EDL on a secondary LBO led by Dentressangle Capital Bryan, Garnier & Co acts as Sole Financial Advisor to Francisco Partners on its investment in Orisha, a leading European Vertical Market Software platform Bryan, Garnier & Co acts as Financial Advisor to Monese and XYB on each securing new funding and becoming two independent entities Bryan, Garnier & Co acts as Sole Debt Advisor to PSG Equity on their majority acquisition of Diapason Bryan, Garnier & Co acts as Sole Financial Advisor to Seven2 and the Management of Diapason on a secondary LBO led by PSG Equity