April 2014 – IPO Scanship ASA
In 2014 Bryan, Garnier & Co was the sole financial advisor to Scanship in their initial public offering on Oslo Axess.
The offering comprised of a primary offering and a secondary sale of existing shares. Approximately 77 % of the shares in the offering were allotted to investors in the institutional offering and approximately 23 % of the shares were allotted to investors in the retail offering.
Deal team
Ståle Schmidt | Managing Director | Head of Norway | Investment Banking | sschmidt@bryangarnier.com
Erik Furnes | Managing Director | Oslo | Investment Banking | efurnes@bryangarnier.com
Håkon Benjaminsen | Director | Oslo | Investment Banking | hbenjaminsen@bryangarnier.com
Scanship is a maritime industry leader in advanced technologies for processing waste and purifying water. Owners operating Scanship systems have the solutions to convert all waste and wastewater to inert materials, recyclables, clean flue gas and effluent which meets the highest international discharge standards.