
Established in 2005 and operating in the US, the company develops and operates comprehensive wound care centres and hyperbaric oxygen therapy facilities within hospitals.

It also offers state-of-the-art wound care therapies for individuals with chronic skin ulcers.

The field of hyperbaric oxygen therapy was in its infancy at the time of the transaction and showing strong growth potential against the background of a challenging landscape for healthcare deal-making.


About Candescent and its co-investors

Candescent Partners, based in Boston, MA, provides capital solutions to growth companies in the middle market. Harbert Mezzanine Capital typically provides $3 million to $15 million in subordinated debt to companies for the purposes of growth, acquisitions, recapitalizations or management buyouts. Gemini Investors is a private equity firm based in Wellesley, MA and established in 1993.

Discover Candescent

Gregg Blake

Investment Banking

Gregg Blake photo

Deal Team

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