
Founded by Philippe Genne in 1995, Oncodesign has developed an hybrid business model including pre-clinical CRO services and its own pipeline of therapeutic and diagnostic projects.

Following a reorganisation of its operations in distinct business units in 2020, Oncodesign decided to split into two separate listed companies with distinct business models. The separation will be executed through a spin-off of the Biotech and AI activities in a new company named Oncodesign Precision Medicine that will be listed on Euronext Growth.

Elyan Partners together with Philippe Genne and the current management team announced in parallel its intention to acquire after split a majority stake in the group's pre clinical CRO activities followed by a tender offer for the remaining capital.

About Oncodesign

Founded by Philippe Genne in 1995, Oncodesign has developed a unique technology platform in precision medicine for the discovery of new therapies against cancer and serious illnesses. Its hybrid business model includes three business units: Pre-clinical CRO Services, its own pipeline of therapeutic/diagnostic projects and AI services for drug discovery.

Oncodesign has more than 1,000 clients/partners across 23 countries, including the 15 biggest pharma companies. The Company invests in 3 internal Drug Discovery projects on new kinase inhibitors and leads 2 international scientific and technological partnerships.

Oncodesign has been listed on Euronext Growth since 2014 and will be split in two different listed entities as part of this transaction: Oncodesign focused on CRO services and Oncodesign Precision Medicine owning the Biotech and AI activities.

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About Elyan Partners

Elyan Partners is the exclusive advisor to ERES funds (Edmond de Rothschild Equity Strategies). ERES invests in midcap companies in Europe or North America, mainly in four verticals: the biotech ecosystem, e-commerce, financial services and new consumer habits.

Edmond de Rothschild Private Equity is an independent company within Edmond de Rothschild Asset Management and manages more than CHF 3.4bn of AuM. Through its entreprenarial mindset and conviction-driven investments, Edmond de Rothschild Private Equity builds and deploys differentiated investment strategies for sustainable solutions to current socio-environmental issues. Founded in 1953, the Group manages close to CHF 178bn AuM as of 31 December 2021, with 2,500 people across 32 offices.

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Investment Banking

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Hervé Ronin

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Raphael Bidaut

Investment Banking | Healthcare

Mickael Dubourd

Investment Banking

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Alexandre Pouch

Investment Banking

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