
Founded in 2001, 21net has developed an expertise in end-to-end network design and optimization for broadband internet on high-speed trains.

This innovative solution can incorporate multiple connectivity technologies such as satellite, cellular or high-speed wireless from trackside antennas.

As part of their growth strategy, 21net’s management realized that they needed to find a strategic partner to increase their speed in seizing more international market share.

To date, the company was able to deploy its systems and solutions in more than 5 countries, most notably on the French TGV fleet of more than 300 trains.

21net tombstone

About 21net

21net is the railway industry’s leading provider of onboard internet, passenger infotainment and real-time monitoring solutions. Its comprehensive railway telematics offering combines state-of-the-art onboard equipment with secure off-board infrastructure and advanced software to enable rail operators’ delivery of passenger connectivity. The company’s vendor-agnostic solution is known for its unique ability to efficiently aggregate any available backhaul — from traditional terrestrial networks and satellite — through highly innovative compact and modular products that deliver unparalleled performance and simplify maintenance operations. Supported by its principal investor Innovacom and with its global headquarters in Belgium since 2004 and subsidiaries in France, United Kingdom, Italy and India, 21net serves the needs of global customers such as SNCF, NTV, Eurotunnel, CAF, UTA, Smart and Indian Rail.

About Alstom

As a promoter of sustainable mobility, Alstom develops and markets systems, equipment and services for the transport sector. Alstom offers a complete range of solutions (from high-speed trains to metros, trams and e-buses), passenger solutions, customised services (maintenance, modernisation), infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility solutions. Alstom is a world leader in integrated transport systems. The company recorded sales of €7.3 billion and booked €10.0 billion of orders in the 2016/17 fiscal year. Headquartered in France, Alstom is present in over 60 countries and employs 32,800 people.

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Frans-Matthis Pleie

Investment Banking

Frans-Matthis Pleie photo

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