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Jonathan Bohbot

Investment Banking I Software and Tech-Enabled Services

We sat down with Jonathan Bohbot to know more about his career trajectory and gain insights into how a 36-year-old banker has reached a Partner position at a global investment bank.

Can you tell us about your career background and what led you to your current position at Bryan Garnier? 

I joined Bryan Garnier in 2015 as an Associate after working at PwC in their transaction services financial advisory sector. I wanted to transition to M&A to be more involved in the entire transaction process, from pitch to closing. I was looking for exposure, a dynamic work environment, and a role that would allow me to engage in the full strategy of a company’s development. After joining Bryan Garnier, I was promoted to Vice President within a year, and then to Managing Director in 2021. I became a partner in 2024. Throughout my career, I have specialised in software, IT services, and audio tech, advising on various transactions including LBOs, trade sales and private placements. 

What motivated your interest in the tech environment, and how has that influenced your career? 

I’ve always been interested in the tech sector and wanted to find my niche subsectors to provide genuine advice to our clients. I believe in sector-focused expertise because it is more valuable and critical to customers. This belief led me to focus on software, audio tech, and IT services. 

“I was looking for exposure, a dynamic work environment, and a role that would allow me to engage in the full strategy of a company’s development.” 

Can you share some notable deals you’ve worked on? 

One notable deal was with EasyVista and Eurazeo in 2020. EasyVista is a renowned software company with roots in Europe and the US. We’ve been working with them over the last decade on strategic moves including PIPE transactions when the company was listed on Euronext, take-private led by Eurazeo, a debt financing with Blackrock, and multiple bolt-on acquisitions from there. 

Another significant deal was with Arturia in the audio tech space, a highly specialised subsector where we have both the expertise and the right network to deliver custom advisory services. We advised the company in its two consecutive structured financing operationsin 2019 and 2021, meeting the client’s long-term goals.  

Lastly, I worked on the sale of the French cybersecurity company Brainwave GRC to Radiant Logic, a US-based company backed by TA Associates. This high-profile transaction, involving strategic synergies and high valuation, exemplifies our added value for local businesses that want to expand globally. 

What do you appreciate most about working at Bryan Garnier? 

The boutique spirit at Bryan Garnier is meritocracy-based, meaning positions and rewards are earned through effort, regardless of age and background. This environment has allowed me to progress quickly and develop a sense of effort and determination to reach my goal of becoming a partner. The international mindset and diverse team skillset at Bryan Garnier have also created a fulfilling work environment. 

What motivates you and keeps you going? 

My motivation comes from various sources. Professionally, it’s about delivering on the promises and challenges I’ve set for myself. Additionally, the relationships with clients are incredibly motivating. Their trust and reliance on my advice inspire me to keep pushing forward. Personally, my family, especially my three children, provides a lot of energy and drive. 

“The international mindset and diverse team at Bryan Garnier have also created a fulfilling work environment.” 

What advice would you give to junior bankers? 

Be curious about the deal environment and work on building long-standing relationships with clients. While technical skills are essential, understanding the market and being a reliable advisor are what differentiate a good banker from a great one. 

What are your strategies and objectives in the short to mid-term as a Partner? 

As a Partner, my focus will be on initiating primary software transactions with founder-owned companies. I aim to direct my efforts to primary transactions as it is crucial for establishing long-standing relationships with clients. Additionally, I plan to boost our focus in IT services, a sector I find promising, on top of my continued work in the software subsectors for the recent years. 

What is your outlook and sentiment for your practice? 

I see a strong pipeline of opportunities in 2024 and 2025. Retained assets from 2023 are coming to market, creating a positive outlook. Despite a slowdown in demand in 2023 and early 2024, we anticipate significant consolidation activities in IT services, driven by the need for companies to grow inorganically. 

“While technical skills are essential, understanding the market and being a reliable advisor are what differentiate a good banker from a great one.”