In the next 10 years, the demand for meat and fish is likely to grow by 30% to 1.6bn tonnes per annum and by 70% to 2bn tonnes in the next 30 years.

This is due to both the increasing population and the growing appetite around the world for animal-based protein as a result of the increase in income in developing countries. There are sustainability questions surrounding current animal feed ingredients that limit their potential to feed the growing demand from livestock, poultry and fish farming. In the search for alternatives, insect meal is the forerunner.

Europe is leading the charge on innovation in insect protein. As insect meal becomes more price competitive, we expect it to expand beyond petfood and aquaculture into certain segments of the pig and poultry markets as well. In the EU in particular, regulations are changing to the benefit of the insect protein market. These favourable regulatory changes are accelerating the adoption of insect protein in animal feed.

In this paper we analyse the opportunities and challenges in the insect protein industry, the regulatory changes that are required for insect proteins to reach their full potential and the economics of insect farming. We provide an extensive market outlook and conversations with key opinion leaders within the insect protein industry.

Download this whitepaper to find out more about this exciting growth sector of the economy that is helping to tackle some of the world’s most urgent challenges surrounding food security and sustainability.

For more information, please contact Nikolaas Faes
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Nikolaas Faes

Equity Research