Equity Research
Our Equity Research team tracks close to 200 stocks across our European Equity Growth universe. This highly focused approach enables the generation of Buy and Sell recommendations for companies where the team has strong convictions. Our analysts have clear-cut opinions and publish over 100 initiation reports and major updates per year.
Pricing growth companies
The result of our research-based approach is an ability to price and select growth companies with long term potential. To do this, we strive to understand a company’s business, reconstructing the underlying business model and applying our proprietary valuation techniques. This methodology gives us the analytical means to price growth shares, the confidence to weather volatile markets and the self-assurance to provide long-term buy recommendations.
Communicating our research
We invest a lot of time sharing our research with our clients. Each month, we initiate formal analyst meetings or roadshows with close to 100 investors across Europe. We publish company reports, industry reports, daily briefs and monthly strategic outlooks, and our analysts proactively advise our clients to make sure that our research has a timely impact.
A research model free from conflicts of interest
Bryan, Garnier & Co’s research team has developed a model which ensures our research is totally independent:
- We provide independent and contrarian ideas on mid and large European stocks: our clients value our knowledge and the fact that our team is free from any conflicts of interest arising from global banking relationships with large corporations
- We identify attractive mid-cap companies (€500 million to €3 billion) that have limited coverage and represent a hidden investment opportunity for our investors
- We ensure equity research coverage of listed small-caps, related to our investment banking activities to make sure that the market is fed with accurate and comprehensive analysis of their newsflow.