PARIS September 12th, 2023 – BG IRIS, Bryan Garnier’s research platform, is pleased to release the Fermentation, Mycoprotein, Cellular Agriculture: Sustainable solutions for food production, a comprehensive analysis of the sector and underlying M&A market activities.

By 2050, global food production is set to skyrocket by 70%, with an astonishing 78% surge in protein demand. The world needs urgent and innovative solutions to meet this unprecedented challenge while ensuring food safety and nutrition. 

Building on extensive research and conversation with key innovators in the field, this paper comprehensively examines a range of fermentation technologies: encompassing traditional and precision fermentation, mycelium, and cellular agriculture.

These techniques can sustainably produce innovative ingredients, replicate animal proteins, and create new food products, with additional consumer applications in beauty and fashion. 

Despite the EUR3.7 billion raised by industry pioneers in 2021 and 2022, the journey ahead demands double that investment to unleash the full potential.  

However, regulatory and infrastructural challenges, particularly in Europe, hinder progress, as safety authorities lag behind their global peers in Novel Foods adoption. To address this, less than 1% of bioreactor capacity needed for food fermentation is expected to be live by 2030 globally, necessitating collaborative efforts among governments, corporations, and investors to support start-up growth. 

For investors seeking data-driven insights into these transformative industries, our white paper is an essential resource. Download it to explore investment opportunities in fermentation, mycoprotein, and cellular agriculture and shape the future of sustainable food production.

Philippine Adam