
Insect-based products are emerging as an alternative source of nutritional solutions for a widening range of feed and food applications, favored by a strong regulatory tailwind. In addition to Aquaculture and Petfood, the recent EU authorization for the use of insect proteins for Pigs & Poultry feed and the agreements for Food applications (Novel Food) act as strong drivers for this industry to take off and deploy additional industrial-scale capacities worldwide.

Agronutris, the first French biotechnology company specialized in rearing and transforming insects for food, is one of the most advanced companies in this industry worldwide with more than 10 years of R&D. It is the only company in France to have reared three species on a significant scale: cricket, mealworm (Tenebrio Molitor) and Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia Illucens). Agronutris is also the only company to have been granted approval to sell insects for human food (Novel Food Agreement).

This transaction represents a significant milestones for Agronutris enabling the company to deploy its first industrial unit in Rethel (Ardennes, France) by the end of 2022 and fund the creation of a second larger site.

About Agronutris

Agronutris is a French biotech company dedicated to the development of the insect rearing industry as an answer to the feed challenges of tomorrow. We believe that insects are an innovative and sustainable solution to face the environmental, social and societal issues of our society.

Our mission is to feed and preserve the world.

Insects are able to turn by-products from the agro industry into valuable ingredients for the feed market, contributing in that way to the development of a circular economy. Moreover, while the growing world population needs an increasing level of proteins, generating the overuse of the existing sources, insects appear as a sustainable protein source that could fill the widening protein gap.

Engaged in a human approach of our company, we want to act together with our partners and clients as a key player in the implementation of a sustainable and fair food industry. Our team, made up of experts in entomology and specialists of the agro business industry, is strongly engaged in order to provide high quality products for the aquaculture and pet food markets.

Discover Agronutris

Greg Revenu

Investment Banking

Greg Revenu photo

Philippe Le Sann

Investment Banking

Philippe Le Sann photo

Mickael Dubourd

Investment Banking

Mickael Dubourd photo

Paul Wertheimer

Investment Banking

Paul Wertheimer photo

Deal Team

Should you want to know more about this transaction, you can contact one of the team members above

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