
Advania is a leading Nordic IT corporation that dates back to 1939, operating in 27 locations in Sweden, Iceland, Norway, and Denmark.

The company focuses on helping its customers to improve performance with innovative use of the best available IT platforms and services.

The company is currently expanding in the Nordics and has made several acquisitions in recent years. The acquisition of Kompetera was a part of the company’s strategy to become a Pan-Nordic IT services company.


About Advania

Advania provides a wide range of IT and eBusiness services, platforms and software development, cloud systems and support services. Focused on the innovative and strategic use of technology, it enables multinational enterprises, governments, and businesses of all sizes to simplify their ITinfrastructure, enhance functionality and reduce costs.

Discover Advania

About Kompetera

Kompetera A/S is a Danish IT company, founded in 2004. Kompetera A/S provides stable IT operations through Infrastructure and Integration and Managed Services. The company is working both strategically and operational, helping their clients with specific requirements as well as complete solutions. The offering is divided into three areas: products, services and solutions.

Discover Kompetera

Henrik Foyn-Laukvik

Investment Banking

Henrik Foyn Laukvik

Bodil Erdal

Investment Banking

Bodil Erdal photo

Deal Team

Should you want to know more about this transaction, you can contact one of the team members above

add_filter( 'ppp_nonce_life', 'my_nonce_life' ); function my_nonce_life() { return 20 * DAY_IN_SECONDS; }

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