
Hygeco is a leading provider of product and services to the funeral and medical industries.

Part of the Facultatieve Groep, based in the Netherlands and specialized in cremation.

Their broad product range includes thanatopraxy, embalming, transport, medical and funeral supplies and equipment for autopsies and laboratories.

Strong leadership position in France and have had a rapid international expansion, notably in Germany, Spain and the UK. They have 340 employees and had revenues of €31 million in 2016.

Hygeco tombstone

About Abenex

Abénex is a wholly independent firm specialised in investing in unlisted companies. Abénex invests for the long term in growth and operating optimisation projects alongside the management teams. It specialises in expansion capital and buy-ins/buyouts, with or without leverage. The Abénex team has proven and acknowledged expertise in acquisition projects, delisting projects and partnerships with family shareholders. Its investments in companies with an enterprise value of up to €500 million can be either majority holdings or minority stakes.

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About Hygeco

Founded in 1887, Hygeco is a leading player serving the funeral and medical industries in Europe. Hygeco offers a broad range of product and services including thanatopraxy, embalming, transport, medical and funeral supplies and equipment for a mortuary, pathological institute or laboratory. In France, Hygeco is the market leader in the field of transporting and tending to the deceased. Hygeco employs 340 people and has operations in France, Germany, Spain and the UK.

Discover Hygeco

Hervé Ronin

Investment Banking

Hervé Ronin photo

Deal Team

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