
Biom’Up: recognized expertise in the field of collagen.

Listed on Euronext Paris Comp C since October 2017, raising €42m at IPO.

HEMOBLAST™ Bellows: best-in-class active dry powder used to rapidly halt bleeding during surgery (hemostasis).

PMA obtained from the FDA in December 2017, 7 months ahead of schedule and CE marked.

Top-up financing to complement IPO proceeds and accelerate the scale-up of the company. Biom’Up will also aim to expand its product portfolio with HEMOSNOW™.

BiomUp tombstone

About Biom'Up

Founded in 2005 and based in the Lyon suburb of Saint-Priest (France), Biom’Up designs hemostatic products based on patented biopolymers that aim to simplify surgical procedures in numerous specialties (spine, cardiothoracic, general, orthopedic, plastic) and give patients a better quality of life. Its flagship product, HEMOBLAST™ Bellows, is a unique hemostatic solution, ready to use (no preparation time needed, no need to mix, no heat required), usable once or several times during the surgery. Developed by a world-renowned scientific team, HEMOBLAST™ Bellows has obtained positive results for all the primary and secondary endpoints of Phase III of its pivotal study involving 412 patients in the United States. HEMOBLAST™ Bellows obtained its CE Mark in December 2016, and its PMA (Pre-Market Approval) application was granted by the FDA (Food & Drug Administration) in December 2017 to commercializing in the United States over the summer in 2018. Since its creation, Biom’Up has benefited from the support of prominent European investors such as Bpifrance, Innobio, GIMV, Lundbeckfond, Mérieux Participation, SHAM and ACG, as well as all the company’s managers, who have invested €2 million in equity. Biom'Up successfully completed its IPO on Euronext Paris, raising 42.5 million euros in October 2017.

Discover Biom'Up

About Athyrium Capital Management

Athyrium Capital Management, LP ("Athyrium") is a specialized asset management company formed in 2008 to focus on investment opportunities in the global healthcare sector. As of September 30, 2017, Athyrium had over $3.5 billion of assets under management. The Athyrium team has substantial investment experience in the healthcare sector across a wide range of asset classes, including public equity, private equity, fixed income, royalties, and other structured securities. Athyrium invests across all healthcare verticals, including biopharma, medical devices and products, and healthcare-focused services. The team partners with management teams to implement creative financing solutions to companies' capital needs.

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Hervé Ronin

Investment Banking

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Dr. Anne Moore

Investment Banking

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Pierre Kiecolt-Wahl

Equity Capital Markets

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Jean de Pracomtal

Investment Banking

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Deal Team

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